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Bookshop Marketing

Bookshop marketing

Bookshop Marketing


Course Overview

This is a comprehensive exploration of all aspects of marketing a bookstore. The course covers general principles and offers explanations for marketing and book trade jargon, and delves into specifics such as press release writing or ways to promote a genre in a bookstore. Ultimately, the student is equipped with all the necessary info and skills to create a Marketing campaign.

NOTE: Please select the month you wish to start your course:

The course sample only includes some topic headings and minimal content but serves as en example of the system and content.

Bookshop Marketing

After successful completion the student will receive a SABA completion Certificate.

The marketing world is full of buzzwords and lingo. We will use these buzzwords as we go, but do look past the words to the concepts themselves. Booksellers are lucky. Books are not just products. Books are social glue. Reading is a way to connect with other people on a pretty personal and meaningful level, because they connect to how you feel and what you think.

The best piece of marketing is an intervention that delights your customers, but also meets strategic objectives

In this course participants will learn to:

  1. An understanding of marketing jargon and principles that are applicable to bookshop marketing.
  2. An understanding of bookstore specific dynamics
  3. Understanding all aspects of a strong marketing camapign
  4. The skill and confidence to create a marketing campaign

Course Content

  1. Basic Principles
  2. Below the Line, Above the Line and Through the Line
  3. Branding
  4. The Sensory Experience
  5. Customers & Community
  6. How to Approach a Marketing Campaign
  7. The Marketing Mix
  8. Buying Theory
  9. Digital Marketing
  10. Final Assignment


Your Lecturer for this online course: Bookshop Marketing


Batya Bricker

Batya Bricker has been in the booktrade for close on 20 years. She worked for Exclusive Books for 13 years, in the role of strategic marketing manager for the group, as it grew from 9 stores to over 50. She is now an independent book consultant and publisher, book festival co-ordinator and manager of all manner of word-related projects.

Additional information




Language Available

Course Level





Course Type

Enrollment Start Month

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