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Foundation Skills

writing skills

Why the Foundation Skills course is vital to your success


Many working people who decide to register for a new qualification either on-line or by other means, may feel apprehensive about studying, working and coping with family life all at the same time. Many have forgotten what it is like to write an academic essay or assignment. Some prospective students may be wondering how they will get through the required academic reading and writing of examinations. If one has not studied for a long time, these are adjustments one has to make. The Foundation Skills course addresses many of these concerns.
In the Foundations Skills course the student is given strategies or techniques for dealing with academic reading and writing. Questions such as: How do I read an academic text, understand it and then remember it for examination purposes? How do I write an academic assignment in a format that is acceptable to my lecturer? How do I paraphrase (rewrite in your own words) a text so that I do not need to copy word-for-word from the text? How do I summarise information so that I am able to prepare for examinations? The Foundations Skills course covers these kinds of skills.
If you wish to prepare yourself for the reading and writing tasks that you will encounter in your studies, then the Foundation Skills course will assist you with a step-by-step approach you can use when you study. The tasks set for assessment are not demanding and each student is given individual feedback to the final assessment task. Whether you choose the on-line option or the face-to-face module

, you will find it very useful. In the words of a past student: “How I wish I had this course when I studied all those years ago”.

Written by: Prof Arlys van Wyk

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Foundation Skills

The aim of this course is to equip participants with academic reading and writing skills, wh

ich is a minimum requirement for any academic course taken.

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